For more than 20 years we have been working alongside families and vets.
Tanatori de Mascotes started with the mission of offering a quality and respectful service throughout the incineration process of the pets. It came about by the agreement between INECO and Mascarol, both companies with a long career in the pet incineration field. Now it consist of three incineration centres.
The quality policy at Tanatori de Mascotes is based on motivation and awareness of our team, in order to provide the most respectful and honourable manner to your pets.
From Barcelona, Girona and Polinyà we will keep working via veterinary clinics, in order to facilitate all the procedures in a very delicate moment such as the loss of a member of the family.

Foundation of Incineracions Ecològiques S.L. (INECO)
JUN 2017
Aperture of the center in Barcelona.
Pets funeral home of Barcelona
JUL 2020
Adquisition of Mas Carol
FEB 2021
Integration of brands and new branding below the name of TANATORIO DE MASCOTAS